DevOps Research Assessment - DORA has found that a team’s software delivery capability reliably predicts the value that the team provides to their organization. Delivery capability of a team can be assessed using the DORA metrics - deployment frequency, lead time to change, change failure rate, mean time to recover.

Deployment Frequency

Measures how often new code is deployed to a production environment.
This metric correlates with the speed and the quality of your engineering team.
It tracks how quickly teams can release new features or bug fixes.

Lead Time to Change

The time taken to go from code committed to code successfully running in production.

Time to Restore Service

The average time it takes to recover from a product or system failure.
This includes the full time of the outage—from the time the system or product fails to the time that it becomes fully operational again.

Change Failure Rate

The percentage of changes that result in unintended consequences, such as downtime, errors, or negative impact on users.
It is calculated by dividing the number of failed changes by the total number of changes made over a specific time.

Comprehensive work

By connecting the appropriate 3rd party tools to Kine, you can compute DORA metrics for your programs/projects/teams. It will help you:

  • Assess your team’s capability to balance speed and stability goals
  • Compare your team’s performance with industry benchmarks
  • Use the drill down reports to identify areas of improvement
  • Leverage Kine’s alerting functionality to improve on areas identified
  • As improvements are solidified in identified areas, repeat the process to continuously improve by identifying new areas to improve on.